August 30, 2016


Since I was a teenager I’ve always been asking myself philosophical questions like:
What is the meaning of life?
Why do I exist?
Why am I born in this part of the world and in this family?
Is there a destiny or do we freely design our lives?
Does God exist or are we born by chance?
I couldn’t find any answer and religion wasn’t able to give me reasonable explanations. Therefore my rationality brought me to become agnostic, so I put apart my existential dilemmas and I decided I would work hard to change my “destiny”.
So, despite my humble family background,  I focused my efforts to improve the quality of my communication as I sensed it could affect the quality of my life and also graduated in International Communication.
I’ve always had the feeling I could help others by using my enthusiasm and positive energy but I still didn’t realise how. I never heard of life coaching until 2008 when I “casually” picked up a book from a little store in Sydney: “Unlimited Power” by Anthony Robbins.

Since then I adopted these teachings in my everyday life through a “continuous improvement process” that allowed me to faster improve my character and eventually gave me a new vision: “I wanted to better myself in such a way to be able to help others “.
Once back in Italy, I wanted to become a life coach so I contacted the best Italian coaching academy HRD by Roberto Re and sent my CV.
I clearly remember their answer: “If you want to work as a life coach, first you must BE a coach”. No certifications and resumes were necessary to them, but only RESULTS: it was exactly what I was looking for! Their training lasted one year with weekly meetings and amazing 3 days seminars. Topics were about communication (body language, NLP,  persuasive communication, public speaking), transactional analysis, time management, leadership skills and positive psychology. After 2 months I started collaborating with them and continued to do so for the next 2 years. I finally was improving my being and at the same time helping others to get a better quality of life.
At the same time, I have been successfully working as key account for one of the best design company in the world. Thanks to this work experience, I had the chance to test all the communication skills learnt with coaching with more than 1000 people, I did hundreds of presentations in public and trained and motivated over 100 sales people.

In 2012 a series of unbelievable “coincidences” (or better synchronicities) introduced me to many spiritual and philosophical teachings and Masters such as: Hinduism, Taoism, Hare Krishna, Kabbalah, Sufism, Buddhism, Meister Eckhart, Plato, Plotinus, Epictetus,  Yogananda, Peter Deunov and especially Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov . Their common thread is the evolution of the human being and his self-transformation. I realised that all I learnt from coaching and psychology had deep roots in ancient books, and discovered many powerful tools to work on oneself.
Striving every day to improve myself, it’s like I cleansed the filters of my perception, everything started to appear to me in a different way and, in a very short period of time my life was completely transformed for the better. And this is what I want to help people with.

“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts, we make the world.” (Buddha)

Thanks to these experiences that still enlighten my path, I now have a deeper understanding of life and human beings.

To widen my academic knowledge and as I wanted to also have a scientific approach to the connection between thoughts, emotions and behaviors (mind, love and willpower), in 2015 I attended the City CBT coaching college in London with some of the major experts in the coaching  and psyhological field such as  Professor Windy DrydenProfessor Jonathan Passmore, the celebrity psychiatrist Dr Raj Persaud, Professor Paul Brown, Angela Jopling etc. .


In 2016 I achieved the diploma in CBT (Cognitive-Behavioural-Therapy) coaching, a non-therapeutic way to face the problems of every day life enabling individuals to rapidly and efficiently reach their goals.

In 2024 I achieved my second Master Degree in Clinical Psychology.

Since 2015 I have been giving events and facilitated networks whose aim is to make our consciousness evolve and to encourage love and wisdom.
In doing so I have reached thousands of people in several countries: Luxembourg, Milan (Italy), Bilbao (Spain), Singapore, London. 

If today I can be defined a coach, it’s because first of all I work every instant on myself to live a joyful and fulfilling life: I will be happy to help you do the same.

My Worldly Experience in a nutshell

►Master Degree in Psychology
►Master Degree in International Communication
►Certified in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Coaching
►countless coaching courses since 2008 (firewalking, positive psychology, the 8 emotions protocol, transactional analysis, persuasive communication, Neuro Linguistic Programmation, etc.)
►Trained, motivated and coached over 1000 people in Luxembourg, Spain, Italy, UK, Singapore
►Led hundreds of public Coaching and Spiritual events in 4 countries
►Founder of Spiritual Network in Luxembourg, Milan, London, Bilbao with thousands of active members
►More than 10 years of experience in Sales and Leadership
►Former International Sales Manager, responsible of over 20 MIL of turnover

My Spiritual Experience
Since my spiritual awakening in 2012, I witnessed several mystical experiences that, due to their sacredness, cannot simply be disclosed here. These are the most valuable experiences, far behind any world experience, I can’t wait to share them with you to help you “to see” with your own eyes.  

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