to all stones and minerals of the Earth:

O you who bear the weight of humanity, you who give us the ground under our feet and the inspiring example of your stability, you who give us materials for our houses and all kinds of beautiful buildings, give us also your strength, and we in turn will give you ours, so that one day you may awaken to consciousness. May there be harmony between us!

to all flowers, trees and plants:

O lovely plants, flowers, and trees, you who are willing to stay still and submit to all weathers; what a wonderful example you give us. Thank you for nourishing us; thank you for the beauty and fragrance of your flowers. We send you thoughts of love; We want to live in harmony with you. Give us your freshness and purity in return for our love. We want to be in harmony with you.

to all the Animals:

When God first created the world you lived in peace and harmony with all humanity; it is by our fault that some of you have become cruel or have to survive under difficult conditions. Please forgive us.  We send you light to help you to advance rapidly on the path of evolution. We want to be in harmony with you.

to all Human Beings:

Beloved brothers and sisters, may peace and harmony reign amongst us. Let’s forget each other’s faults and failings; let’s forget the evil we may have done to each other, and work side by side in the Lord’s vineyard so as to transform the earth into a garden of paradise in which we may all live as brothers and sisters. Dear brothers and sisters, I want to be in harmony with you.

to the Masters and Benefactors of humankind,  to all those who have made the supreme sacrifice for the divine cause:

Oh Great Masters of humanity, we know that what you have discovered and understood is the essential truth, and we want to help and serve you. Please send us some of your learning and wisdom. We want to be in harmony with you.

to the Angels and Archangels:

Holy Angels and Entities of Light, so often, when you have brought messages to warn or enlighten us, we couldn’t listen because of the tumult of our passions and we were unable to hear your voice. we implore you to continue to send us your light, for we want to obey you. We know that you are the Universe’s most exalted servants: we respect and love you. we want to be in harmony with you.

to the Sun, the entire Universe and God, the creative principle:

Dear Sun, Greatest example of unconditional Love, that warm and enlighten us everyday without expecting anything back, inspire us with you most divine Love,  please receive our profound gratitude, we want to be in harmony with you.

Oh God, Universe, thanks for the Life, thanks for the Light, please inspire us and manifest through us so that we can contribute to your mission of establishing Harmony, Love and Wisdom everywhere. We love you , we love you , we love you, we want to live in harmony with you.