November’s Sundays are perfect to take time to reconnect to our deeper selves.
Raindrops’ notes are there to help rinsing the negative thoughts and purify the spirit.
I share with you some verses and some good music, I hope you like them.
When noise is shaped by silence
when silence listens to your thoughts
when thoughts stop thinking
when emptiness amplifies your heart
when heart is voice
when listening is not understanding
light becomes hug
road becomes path
plans are over
present is here
fear is rear
others are you
you are others
you are you
love is Love, above
when silence listens to your thoughts
when thoughts stop thinking
when emptiness amplifies your heart
when heart is voice
when listening is not understanding
light becomes hug
road becomes path
plans are over
present is here
fear is rear
others are you
you are others
you are you
love is Love, above